Printable Treasure Hunt

Arrrr mateys! Do ye be lookin’ for a fun activity for yer little scallywags? We’ve got just the thing for ye - a treasure hunt fit for a pirate! And if yer little mermaids are feelin’ a bit left out, we’ve got a treasure hunt for them too. So gather up yer crew and let’s set sail on a swashbucklin’ adventure!

Pirate Treasure Hunt

Pirate Treasure HuntAvast me hearties! We’ve got some clues for ye to follow to find the hidden treasure. First up, it’s time to grab yer spyglass and look for a clue hidden in plain sight. Keep yer eyes peeled for a message scrawled across the bottom of a ship in port. It’ll give ye the next clue on yer journey.

SpyglassOnce ye find that clue, ye’ll need to head into the wilderness. Use yer compass and map to lead ye to a cave hidden deep in the woods. There, ye’ll find the next clue waiting for ye. But be warned, there might be some danger lurking in those woods. Keep yer wits about ye!

Compass and MapOnce ye make it through the woods, the next clue will lead ye to a deserted beach. Ye’ll need to dig deep (quite literally) to find the treasure buried in the sand. But watch out for any unfriendly sea creatures that might be lurking in the water nearby. Ye don’t want to end up as their lunch!

Buried TreasureFinally, after all that hard work, ye’ll find the treasure waiting for ye. Gold doubloons, silver pieces of eight, gems as big as yer fist. It’s all there, just waiting for ye to claim it as yer own. And remember, share the spoils with yer crew. A good pirate always takes care of their mates.

Mermaid Treasure Hunt

MermaidsNow, don’t be thinkin’ we forgot about our lovely mermaids. They’ll be able to follow a set of clues that will lead them to a treasure all their own. First up, they’ll need to find a message in a bottle. It’ll wash up on shore at some point, so keep yer eyes on the horizon.

Message in a bottleOnce they find that message, they’ll need to dive deep into the ocean to find a hidden cave. It’s a tricky swim, so make sure they’re strong swimmers. But inside that cave, they’ll find the next clue waiting for them.

Ocean CaveThe next clue will lead them to a beautiful coral reef, where they’ll need to navigate their way through twisting, turning paths. But be careful not to get lost! The treasure is hidden somewhere on that reef, just waiting to be found.

Coral reefAnd finally, after all that swimming and exploring, they’ll find the treasure waiting for them. Beautiful pearls, glittering shells, and other treasures from the deep. It’s a mermaid’s dream come true!

So there ye have it, mateys and mermaids. Two treasure hunts fit for the bravest of adventurers. We hope ye have a blast hunting for those treasures. Happy sailing!