Printable Time Out Cards

Having trouble keeping your students on task? Or maybe you just need a break from the constant chaos in the classroom. Whatever your reasons may be, Time Out Cards are a great way to give your students a chance to reset and refocus, while also giving you a few moments of peace and quiet.

What are Time Out Cards?

Time Out Cards are physical cards that you can give your students when they need a break from the lesson. The cards come with a variety of activities that the students can do during their “time out” period, such as coloring, writing, or even practicing mindfulness exercises.

Time Out CardsThe cards are a great way to teach your students about self-regulation and self-care. By taking a break and engaging in calming activities, students can learn how to identify their emotions and manage their behavior in a healthy way.

How to Use Time Out Cards

Using Time Out Cards in your classroom is easy. Simply introduce the concept to your students and explain when they can use their cards (e.g. when they feel overwhelmed, distracted, or frustrated). You can also set a time limit for each “time out” period (e.g. 5-10 minutes).

When a student needs a break, they can raise their hand and show you their Time Out Card. As the teacher, you can then give them permission to take a break and choose an activity from the card. Make sure to set clear expectations for behavior during the “time out” period, such as no talking or interrupting others.

Once the time limit is up, the student can return to the lesson and resume their work. You can also check in with the student to see how they are feeling and offer additional support if needed.

Benefits of Time Out Cards

Time Out Cards offer a variety of benefits for both students and teachers. Here are just a few:

  • Reduced stress: By taking breaks and engaging in calming activities, students can reduce their stress levels and improve their overall well-being.
  • Improved focus: When students take breaks, they can return to the lesson with renewed focus and energy.
  • Increased self-awareness: By identifying their emotions and practicing self-care, students can develop a greater sense of self-awareness and emotional intelligence.
  • Reduced disruptions: By giving students a designated way to take breaks, disruptions in the classroom can be reduced.

Get Your Time Out Cards Today

If you’re interested in using Time Out Cards in your classroom, you can purchase them online or make your own. There are plenty of free resources available online that offer printable Time Out Cards and activity ideas.

So why not give Time Out Cards a try? Your students (and your sanity) will thank you.