Printable Plot Diagram

As we all know, reading short stories is an integral part of our lives. They teach us invaluable lessons about life, relationships, and morality. And what’s even better is that they come in all shapes and sizes, making them accessible to everyone, irrespective of their reading level or interest. But have you ever wondered how these stories are structured? How do they manage to keep us hooked till the very end? The answer lies in the plot diagram. A plot diagram is a visual tool that helps to map out the structure of a story. It shows how the events of a story unfold, from the beginning to the end, and how the protagonist deals with the challenges that come their way. It is an important tool for both writers and readers, as it helps them to understand the story better. So, if you are a teacher looking for a short story to teach your students about plot diagrams, or simply a reader who wants to understand the structure of their favorite story, then you have come to the right place. Here, we present to you a free diagram that you can use to teach plot diagrams to your students or to understand the structure of a story better. The diagram is simple yet comprehensive, and it covers all the essential elements of a plot diagram. It starts with the exposition, where the author introduces the setting, characters, and the basic conflict of the story. This is followed by the rising action, where the conflicts start to escalate, and the protagonist faces more challenges. Then comes the climax, which is the turning point of the story, where the protagonist faces the biggest challenge of their life. This is followed by the falling action, where the story starts to wind down and the conflicts are resolved. Finally, there is the resolution, where the story ends, and the conflicts are resolved. To make things more interesting for your students or to help you understand the story better, we have also included an example of a short story that fits perfectly into this plot diagram. The story is called “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry, and it is a heartwarming tale about sacrifice, love, and selflessness. The story starts with the exposition, where we are introduced to the main characters, Jim and Della Young. They are a young couple who are deeply in love but live in poverty. The rising action begins when Della wants to buy Jim a Christmas gift but has very little money. She decides to sell her beautiful long hair to a wig-maker and uses the money to buy Jim a chain for his watch, which he cherishes dearly. Meanwhile, Jim wants to buy Della a gift but is also short on money. He decides to sell his watch to buy Della a set of combs for her hair, which she values more than anything else. The climax of the story comes when Jim and Della exchange their gifts on Christmas Eve and realize what the other has done for them. They both realize that they have given up their most prized possessions to buy a gift for the other, and in doing so have sacrificed their own happiness. This realization brings them both to tears and strengthens their love for each other. The falling action of the story comes when Jim reveals that he has sold his watch to buy Della a gift, and Della reveals that she has sold her hair to buy Jim a gift. They both appreciate the sacrifices of the other and value their love even more. The resolution of the story comes when Jim and Della reconcile and promise each other that they will always love each other, even when times are tough. They both realize that their love is the most valuable thing they have, and that is all that matters. So there you have it, a short story that perfectly fits into the plot diagram we shared with you. We hope that this diagram and the example story will help you understand the structure of a story better, and help you teach your students about plot diagrams in a fun and engaging way. Happy reading!