Printable John Wooden Pyramid Of Success

Y’all better listen up, ‘cause I got some wisdom to share with you today. I came across this picture and it spoke to my soul.

The Pyramid of Success

John Wooden’s Pyramid of SuccessNow, let me tell you a little something about the man behind this pyramid. His name was John Wooden, and he was a legendary basketball coach. He led the UCLA Bruins to ten NCAA championships in just twelve years. That’s right, ten championships. He knew a thing or two about success.

But Coach Wooden didn’t just teach his players how to be champions on the court. He also taught them how to be champions in life. He believed in something called the Pyramid of Success, which was a set of values and principles that he believed were the keys to achieving greatness. And let me tell you, these principles are just as relevant today as they were back then.

The Foundation

At the bottom of the pyramid, you’ll find two very important blocks: industriousness and enthusiasm. These two values are the foundation for everything else.

Industriousness means working hard and being diligent. You can’t achieve anything great if you’re not willing to put in the work. And enthusiasm means having a positive attitude and energy. It’s contagious, and it can help you overcome any obstacle.

The Pillars

There are three pillars in the Pyramid of Success: self-control, alertness, and initiative. These values are essential for building a successful life.

Self-control means having the discipline to do what needs to be done, even when you don’t feel like it. Alertness means being aware of your surroundings and staying focused on your goals. Initiative means taking action and being proactive. Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you – go out and create your own.

The Blocks

The next layer of the pyramid consists of six blocks: condition, skill, team spirit, poise, confidence, and competitive greatness. These blocks are the building blocks of success.

Condition means taking care of your body and staying in good physical health. Skill means developing your talents and mastering your craft. Team spirit means working with others and being a good teammate. Poise means staying calm under pressure. Confidence means believing in yourself and your abilities. And competitive greatness means giving your best effort no matter what.

The Point

At the very top of the pyramid, you’ll find the point: faith.

Now, Coach Wooden wasn’t talking about religion here. He was talking about having faith in yourself, in others, and in the world around you. When you have faith, you believe that anything is possible. You believe in the power of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

So there you have it, folks – John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success. These values and principles can help guide you on your journey to greatness, whether you’re a basketball player or not. Remember: industriousness, enthusiasm, self-control, alertness, initiative, condition, skill, team spirit, poise, confidence, and competitive greatness. And most importantly, have faith.