Printable Giraffe

So, I was browsing the interwebs the other day and I stumbled upon this gem. It’s a printable giraffe outline! Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Why on earth would I need a printable giraffe outline?” But hear me out.

First of all, it’s a giraffe

Giraffes are awesome, there’s no denying it. They’re tall, they have spots, and they have those crazy long necks that make them look like they’re always reaching for something. Who wouldn’t want to have a giraffe outline in their possession?

Giraffe OutlineSecondly, it’s printable

Need I say more? No more having to sketch a giraffe by hand and making it look like some sort of mutated cow. Just print this bad boy out and you’re good to go. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Thirdly, it’s versatile

Okay, I know you’re still not convinced. But hear me out on this one. This giraffe outline can be used for so many things! Here are just a few ideas to get you started:

  • Coloring pages for kids
  • Decorations for a jungle or safari themed party
  • Stencils for a giraffe themed craft project
  • A template for a giraffe cake or cookie
  • A guide for a giraffe drawing contest

I mean, the possibilities are endless. And this giraffe outline is the key to unlocking all of them. Well, maybe not ALL of them. But a good chunk of them, at least.

Lastly, it’s just plain adorable

I don’t know about you, but I just can’t resist a cute giraffe. And this giraffe outline is no exception. Look at those tiny little ears and that little tuft of hair on the top of its head. I can’t even handle it.

So there you have it folks. A printable giraffe outline that will make your life better in so many ways. You’re welcome.