Printable Chair Exercises For Seniors

You know what’s better than sitting in a chair all day? Doing Chair Yoga! And what’s even better than that? Printable Senior Citizen Chair Yoga for Seniors!

Chair Stretch

Senior Citizen Chair Yoga For Seniors PrintableThis Chair Stretch is the perfect way to start your day! It stretches your entire body and helps get your blood flowing. All you need is a sturdy chair and a few minutes to spare.

Sit towards the front of your chair, with your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Place your hands on your knees and take a deep breath in.

As you exhale, slowly twist your upper body to the right, using your hands to guide the movement. Hold the stretch for a few seconds, and then slowly return to center as you inhale.

Repeat on the other side and continue alternating for a few rounds. As you get more comfortable with the stretch, try extending your arms out in front of you as you twist to intensify the stretch.

Now doesn’t that feel better than just sitting in your chair all day? Keep scrolling for more Senior Citizen Chair Yoga for Seniors Printable exercises!

Chair Forward Fold

Chair Forward FoldThis Chair Forward Fold is perfect for stretching your hamstrings and lower back. You can do this stretch at your desk or even during a TV commercial break!

Sitting at the front of your chair, place both feet flat on the ground and hip-width apart. Take a deep breath in and lift your arms up towards the ceiling.

As you exhale, hinge forward from your hips and let your arms hang towards the ground. Reach your fingertips towards the floor and keep your spine long. You should feel a stretch in your hamstrings and your lower back.

Hold the stretch for a few breaths, and then slowly roll up to a seated position as you inhale. Repeat a few rounds.

You’re almost a Chair Yoga pro! Keep reading for more Senior Citizen Chair Yoga for Seniors Printable poses.

Chair Pigeon Pose

Chair Pigeon PoseThis Chair Pigeon Pose is an easy way to stretch your hips and glutes while sitting in your chair. It’s perfect for those long days at work!

Starting in the same seated position as before, cross your right ankle over your left knee. Flex your right foot and press your right knee away from your body.

If you feel a stretch here, great! If you want to intensify the stretch, hinge forward from your hips and gently press your right elbow into your right knee. This will deepen the stretch in your right hip.

Hold the stretch for a few breaths, and then repeat on the other side. Don’t forget to keep your spine long and your breath steady!

You’re doing amazing! You’re almost a Senior Citizen Chair Yoga for Seniors Printable expert. Keep scrolling for more poses to try!

Chair Warrior I

Chair Warrior IThis Chair Warrior I Pose is a great way to strengthen your legs and stretch your hips. It’s perfect for when you need a break from sitting all day!

Starting in the same seated position as before, step your right foot back so that your toes are on the ground and your heel is lifted. Keep your left foot planted firmly on the ground.

Bend your left knee so that it’s directly over your left ankle. Reach your arms up overhead and gaze up towards your hands. Hold the pose for a few breaths, and then repeat on the other side.

Can you feel the burn in your legs? That means it’s working! Keep reading for the final Senior Citizen Chair Yoga for Seniors Printable pose.

Chair Cat-Cow Stretch

Chair Cat-Cow StretchThis Chair Cat-Cow Stretch is a perfect way to release tension in your upper back and neck. It also helps improve your posture!

Starting in the same seated position as before, place your hands on your knees. As you inhale, arch your back and look up towards the ceiling. This is the Cow part of the pose.

As you exhale, round your spine and tuck your chin towards your chest. This is the Cat part of the pose.

Repeat these movements a few times with your breath, moving smoothly and at your own pace.

Congratulations! You’ve completed all the Senior Citizen Chair Yoga for Seniors Printable poses! Now go stretch it out and feel the benefits of Chair Yoga.