Printable Cash Envelope System

Who needs a boring old wallet when you can have cash envelopes that are straight up adorable? Seriously, have you seen these things? I’m dying over here. And they’re not just cute, they’re actually helpful if you’re trying to watch your spending. You assign different categories to each envelope, like “groceries” or “entertainment,” and then you can physically see how much money you have left in each one. It’s like budgeting, but make it fashion.

Cash Envelope #1: Strawberry Lemonade

Printable Cash Envelopes - Strawberry LemonadeOkay, this one is just too cute. I can practically taste the strawberry lemonade. (Which, let’s be real, probably costs like $6 at a trendy juice place. That’s why you need one of these babies to help you save your pennies.)

Cash Envelope #2: Galactic Mint

Printable Cash Envelopes - Galactic MintThis one is perfect for all the sci-fi nerds out there (present company included). The mint green hue feels appropriately spacey, and I love the little rocket ship and starry accents. Bonus points if you use this envelope to save up for a trip to a galaxy far, far away.

Cash Envelope #3: Vintage Rose

Printable Cash Envelopes - Vintage RoseFor those who prefer their aesthetics a little more vintage, may I present this lovely rose design. It feels like it belongs in a quaint little Parisian cafe, sipping espresso and looking chic. But instead, you’re just being responsible with your money. Hey, that’s pretty chic too.

Cash Envelope #4: Tropicana

Printable Cash Envelopes - TropicanaWho says budgeting can’t be a party? Turn up the heat with this tropical-themed envelope. I can practically feel the sand between my toes and hear the steel drum band playing. Okay, maybe I’m getting a little carried away, but you get the idea. Saving money doesn’t have to be a drag.

Cash Envelope #5: Rainbow Daydream

Printable Cash Envelopes - Rainbow DaydreamFinally, we have this colorful option. It almost looks like a Lisa Frank notebook from back in the day, and I’m completely here for it. This envelope would be great for any kind of fun expense, like a concert or a night out with friends. And because you’re budgeting for it ahead of time, you can have guilt-free fun.

So there you have it, folks. Five different cash envelopes to fit your personal style. Trust me, if you start using these things, you’ll wonder how you ever got by without them. Plus, they make for great conversation starters. Who wouldn’t want to gush about their budgeting system at a party? (Okay, maybe that’s just me.)