Printable Anxiety Triggers Worksheet

We all face anxiety at different times of our lives and it’s not an easy thing to deal with. But teenage anxiety is something most of us don’t talk about enough. It’s a real problem that affects a lot of young people, and it can be hard to figure out what triggers it and how to cope with it. That’s why we thought it would be a good idea to share some worksheets and tips for coping with teen anxiety.

Anxiety Triggers for Teens

Below are some common anxiety triggers for teenagers:

  • Social situations: Anxiety can arise from peer pressure, negative self-talk, and fear of rejection or being isolated.
  • School: Pressure to perform well in exams, fear of public speaking or being judged, and bullying can all contribute to stress and anxiety.
  • Family: Stress and anxiety can be caused by physical and verbal abuse, divorce, illness, and financial problems at home.

While it might be different for everyone, these are some of the triggers that could cause anxiety. It’s important to explore these triggers with a therapist or counselor, but we can also use some coping mechanisms to ease the anxiety or prevent it altogether.

Coping Techniques for Teen Anxiety

When we experience anxiety, it can feel like our minds and bodies are out of control. But these three techniques can help teenagers to manage anxiety and reduce the negative feelings:

  • Deep Breathing: Take deep breaths for a few minutes and focus on the movement of your breath. Inhale and exhale slowly through your nose and try to fill your lungs with air.
  • Mindfulness Meditation: Helps to focus on the present moment, reduces stress and improves mental clarity. Just check out some meditation tips and tutorials online to learn the basics of mindfulness meditation.
  • Exercise: Engaging in physical activities or workouts on a regular basis can promote mental and physical well-being. It releases endorphins, which are natural mood-boosters and can improve sleep patterns as well.

It’s important to find what works for you and incorporate it into your daily routine if possible. Counselling sessions can also teach some valuable techniques to cope with anxiety.

Free Worksheets Samples

Below are some free worksheet samples we found online that can help teenagers to cope with anxiety:

Anxiety Triggers for TeensThe above worksheet helps teenagers to identify what triggers their anxiety, and how they can better cope with it. By answering the questions in the worksheet, they can increase self-awareness and learn to recognize the warning signs that they are becoming anxious.

Another helpful worksheet can be used to create a list of coping skills. By brainstorming different skills and techniques for managing anxiety, teenagers can have a ready list of options to try when they feel anxious. The worksheet asks some prompts like, “What activities calm you down?”, “Who can you talk to for support?” and “What self-care activities do you enjoy?”

Finally, a gratitude journal can also be a great tool for reducing anxiety. By focusing on the good things that happen daily, teenagers can shift their attention away from negative thoughts and feelings. The worksheet asks to write at least three things that they are grateful for in a day, and how these things have made them feel.

We hope these worksheets, triggers, and coping techniques will help teenagers to better understand and manage their anxiety. Remember, you’re not alone and there is always help available.