Prayer Cards Printable

Hey there, fellow humans! I stumbled upon something pretty cool today that I found on the interwebs, and I just had to share it with you all. It’s a collection of free printable prayer cards for children! Like, how awesome is that?

Prayer Cards Galore

Free Printable Prayer Cards for ChildrenSo, let’s talk about these prayer cards. First off, I love that they’re free. I mean, who doesn’t love free stuff, am I right? And these aren’t just any old cards - they’re specifically designed for kids and have cute little illustrations on them.

But the best part? These cards are meant to help kids pray! Each card has a different prayer on it, ranging from prayers for protection to prayers for kindness. And let’s be real - I think we can all use a little extra prayer right now.

Lets Talk About the Prayers

Okay, so let’s take a peek at a few of the prayers. First up, we have the “Protect Me” prayer. It goes a little something like this:

“Dear God, please protect me from danger. Keep me safe and sound both day and night. Thank you for always looking out for me. Amen.”

Ugh, how adorable is that? I imagine any parent would love to see their child reciting this prayer before bed each night.

Next, we have the “Kindness” prayer (because we could all stand to be a little kinder these days, am I right?):

“Dear God, please help me be kind to others. Help me to see the good in everyone and to treat others the way I want to be treated. Thank you for the gift of kindness. Amen.”

I mean, come on. If that doesn’t tug at your heartstrings, I don’t know what will.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it - a collection of absolutely adorable prayer cards for kids. I couldn’t resist sharing these with you all. Who knows - maybe you’ll find a use for them in your own household, or maybe you’ll just get a good chuckle out of the cuteness. Either way, I hope you enjoyed!