Nishmat Kol Chai Printable

One of the most beautiful Jewish prayers is Nishmat Kol Jai, which praises God for creating humankind and bestowing upon us the gift of life. It reflects on the gratitude we feel for every breath we take and every moment of existence.

The Significance of Nishmat Kol Jai

The prayer begins by addressing God as “the soul of all living beings.” It acknowledges that everything in the universe depends on God’s sustaining energy, and that without this energy, nothing can exist. It continues by praising God for the “infinite kindness” that He shows to all living beings, from the smallest insect to the greatest of human beings.

Nishmat Kol Jai emphasizes the importance of recognizing the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us. It is a reminder that every breath we take is a gift from God, and that we should use our lives to serve Him with gratitude and devotion.

The Meaning of Nishmat Kol Jai

The term “nishmat” refers to the soul or breath that God breathed into Adam, which gave him life. The phrase “kol jai” means “all living beings,” and thus the prayer acknowledges that all life is a gift from God.

The prayer also reflects on the greatness of God, describing Him as “the living and eternal God, merciful and compassionate, the dispenser of kindness.” It acknowledges that no matter how much we praise God, we can never fully describe His greatness or express complete gratitude for His gifts.

The Structure of Nishmat Kol Jai

The prayer consists of five main parts, each of which is based on a biblical verse:

  1. The first part, which begins with the words “nishmat kol chai,” is based on Psalms 104:29-30: “You hide Your face; they are dismayed; You take away their breath; they expire and return to their dust. You send forth Your spirit; they are created; and You renew the face of the earth.”
  2. The second part, which begins with the words “chazak umatz,” is based on Deuteronomy 31:6: “Be strong and resolute, do not fear or dread them, for it is the Lord your God who marches with you; He will not fail you or forsake you.”
  3. The third part, which begins with the words “baruch ata adonai,” is based on Psalm 145:9: “The Lord is good to all, and His mercies are over all of His works.”
  4. The fourth part, which begins with the words “atah echad,” is based on Deuteronomy 6:4: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.”
  5. The fifth part, which begins with the words “yivarech et shimcha,” is based on Psalms 104:1: “Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord, my God, You are very great; You are clothed in glory and majesty.”

The Beauty of Nishmat Kol Jai

One of the reasons why Nishmat Kol Jai is such a beloved prayer is its beautiful language and imagery. It uses words like “infinitely kind,” “merciful and compassionate,” and “dispenser of kindness” to describe God, and it acknowledges the greatness of His creation. The prayer also reflects on the cycles of life and death, and the importance of cherishing every moment of existence.

Furthermore, Nishmat Kol Jai is often sung or chanted in a beautiful melody, which enhances its power and emotional impact. It is a prayer that can be recited by individuals or by a community, and it is often included in Jewish prayer services around the world.

The Meaning of Nishmat Kol Jai in our Lives

At its core, Nishmat Kol Jai is a prayer of gratitude and recognition of God’s infinite kindness. It reminds us that every breath we take is a gift from God, and that we should use our lives to serve Him with joy and devotion. It encourages us to live in harmony with the natural world and to respect all living beings as part of God’s creation.

Nishmat Kol Jai also reminds us of the importance of community, and of supporting one another through the challenges of life. It encourages us to be strong and resolute in the face of adversity, knowing that God is with us and will never forsake us.

The Power of Nishmat Kol Jai

One of the reasons why Nishmat Kol Jai is such a powerful prayer is because it acknowledges the cycles of life and death, and the importance of cherishing every moment of existence. It reminds us that our lives are fleeting and that we should use our time on earth to make a positive difference in the world. It gives us a sense of purpose and meaning, and helps us to connect with our spiritual selves.

Moreover, Nishmat Kol Jai is a prayer that can be recited in moments of joy or sorrow, and in times of peace or conflict. It is a universal prayer that speaks to the common human experience of gratitude and longing for connection with the Divine. Its message of hope and faith has the power to uplift and inspire people of all backgrounds and beliefs.


Nishmat Kol Jai is a beautiful Jewish prayer that celebrates the gift of life and the infinite kindness of God. It reminds us of the importance of gratitude, community, and living in harmony with the natural world. Its message of hope and faith has the power to uplift and inspire people of all backgrounds and beliefs. May we all be blessed to experience the beauty and power of this prayer in our lives.


Nishmat Kol Jai - Fundamentos Hebreos

Nishmat Kol Jai - Fundamentos HebreosCredit: Fundamentos Hebreos