Minnesota County Map Printable

Hey there, y’all! Let me tell you ‘bout somethin’ that’s been ticklin’ my funny bone lately. I stumbled across this here map of Minnesota counties, all decked out with their fancy names and such. Let’s take a little tour, shall we?

Aitkin County

Aitkin County MapFirst up, we got Aitkin County. Now, I ain’t never been there, but I hear tell that they got some great fishin’ up that way. If you’re ever in the area, be sure to check out Cedar Lake - rumor has it they got some real whoppers swimmin’ around in there.

Big Stone County

Big Stone County MapNext on the list is Big Stone County. Now, I ain’t one to gossip, but I hear there’s a whole lotta nothin’ goin’ on out there. Just a whole lotta wide open spaces and prairie dogs. But hey, I reckon if you’re in the market for some peace and quiet, this might just be the spot for you.

Cottonwood County

Cottonwood County MapNow we come to Cottonwood County. I gotta admit, I had to look this one up - I couldn’t for the life of me remember where it was. Turns out it’s down near the Iowa border, which makes sense ‘cause I always get those two states mixed up anyway. Anyway, the main attraction down there seems to be the Lake Shetek State Park - apparently it’s a real hootenanny.

Dakota County

Dakota County MapNow, y’all might have heard of Dakota County before - it’s one of the more populated areas in the state, what with its proximity to the Twin Cities and all. But let me tell you, there’s more to Dakota County than just traffic jams and strip malls. Check out the UMore Park - it’s a real hidden gem.

Fillmore County

Fillmore County MapLast but not least, we come to Fillmore County. Now, I gotta admit, I’m a little biased when it comes to this one - my family’s got a cabin down there on the Root River, and let me tell you, it’s a slice of heaven. There’s all sorts of outdoor adventures to be had down there, from canoeing to biking to hiking. But if you’re more of an indoor cat, the town of Lanesboro is absolutely charming - they got quaint little shops and restaurants galore.

Well, there you have it, folks - my whirlwind tour of Minnesota’s counties. Who knew there was so much to see and do in this great state? ‘Course, I probably could’ve told ya that without the map, but hey, it was a fun little diversion nonetheless.