Medicine Chart Printable

If you’ve ever had a sick kid, you know how hard it can be to keep track of all the different medications and doses they need. But fear not, dear friends, because The Merry Mummy is here to save the day with her handy medicine charts! These charts are specifically tailored to make the process of administering medicine as easy and stress-free as possible.

Chart #1: Basic Medication Schedule

The Merry Mummy’s basic medication chartThis chart is perfect for those times when your little one is on a few different types of medication. Simply fill in the time of day each dose is due, the name of the medication, and the dosage. Hang it up somewhere visible, and you’ll always know exactly what needs to be given and when.

Chart #2: Fever Tracker

The Merry Mummy’s fever tracker chartWhen a fever strikes, it can be hard to keep track of all the different temperatures and times. That’s where this handy chart comes in! Record the time and temperature of each reading, as well as any medication that was given. This will help your doctor get a better idea of how the fever is progressing.

Chart #3: Allergy Tracker

The Merry Mummy’s allergy tracker chartIf your child has allergies, it’s important to keep track of any reactions they may have. This chart lets you record the time, date, and type of reaction, as well as any medication that was given. This information can be vital when speaking with your doctor or allergist.

Chart #4: Symptom Tracker

The Merry Mummy’s symptom tracker chartWhen your child is sick, it can be hard to remember all the different symptoms they’re experiencing. This chart is designed to help you keep track of everything, from coughs and sneezes to stomach aches and headaches. Record the time and type of symptom, as well as any medication that was given. This will help you understand how your child is progressing and when it’s time to call the doctor.

Chart #5: Vaccination Schedule

The Merry Mummy’s vaccination schedule chartKeeping track of vaccinations can be a hassle, but it’s important to make sure your child is up-to-date on everything they need. This chart lets you record the date and type of each vaccination, as well as any reactions your child may have had. You can also use it to track when your child is due for their next round of shots.

Chart #6: Sleep Tracker

The Merry Mummy’s sleep tracker chartSleep is important for both you and your child, especially when they’re sick. This chart lets you record the time your child goes to bed and wakes up, as well as any naps they take during the day. This information can help you establish a routine and ensure that your child is getting enough rest to fight off whatever ails them.

Chart #7: Potty Tracker

The Merry Mummy’s potty tracker chartWhen your child is sick, it’s important to keep an eye on their bathroom habits. This chart lets you record the time and type of each bathroom visit, as well as any medication that was given. This will help you keep track of any changes in their bowel movements or urination patterns.

As a parent, it can be hard to keep all of these different things straight when your child is sick. But with The Merry Mummy’s medicine charts, you can breathe a little easier knowing that everything is taken care of. Hang them up somewhere visible and refer to them whenever you need to. Your child (and your sanity) will thank you!