Free Printable Decluttering Checklist Pdf

In a world filled with chaos, clutter can make things even worse. It’s easy to ignore it for a while, but sooner or later, it’ll catch up with you. Not only does clutter affect your physical space, but it can also take a toll on your mental health. That’s why we’ve put together a printable declutter checklist that will help you tackle 12 areas of your home. From the kitchen to the bedroom, we’ve got you covered. Let’s get started! Kitchen First up, let’s tackle the kitchen. This area can easily become cluttered with dishes, appliances, and food. Here’s what you need to do: 1. Clear off all countertops and clean them thoroughly. 2. Take everything out of your pantry and fridge and throw away anything that’s expired. 3. Go through your dishes and utensils and get rid of anything that’s broken or hasn’t been used in over a year. 4. Put away appliances that you don’t use often. 5. Create a system for organizing your pantry and fridge so that everything is easy to find. Living Room The living room is often the central hub of the home, so keeping it clutter-free is essential. Here’s what you need to do: 1. Remove any items that don’t belong in the living room and put them in their proper place. 2. Go through your books and DVDs and donate or sell anything that you no longer need. 3. If you have kids, create a designated space for their toys and games so that they’re not scattered all over the room. 4. Clean all surfaces and vacuum or sweep the floor. Bathroom The bathroom is another area that can quickly become cluttered with toiletries, towels, and cleaning supplies. Here’s what you need to do: 1. Take everything out of your medicine cabinet and throw away anything that’s expired or that you no longer need. 2. Go through your toiletries and makeup and get rid of anything that’s old or that you don’t use anymore. 3. Put away any cleaning supplies that don’t belong in the bathroom. 4. Hang up towels neatly and create a system for organizing them. Home Office If you work from home, your office space is essential to your productivity. Here’s how to declutter it: 1. File away any paperwork that’s been piling up. 2. Go through your office supplies and keep only what you’ll actually use. 3. Get rid of any broken or outdated electronics. 4. Create an organization system for your desk, such as a filing system or desk organizer. Bedroom Your bedroom should be a sanctuary, but clutter can quickly turn it into a stress zone. Here’s what you need to do: 1. Make your bed and clear off any surfaces. 2. Go through your clothes and donate or sell anything that you no longer wear or that doesn’t fit. 3. Put away any electronics that you don’t need in the bedroom. 4. Create a storage system for your shoes and accessories. Entryway The entryway is the first thing people see when they enter your home, so keeping it clutter-free can make a big difference. Here’s what you need to do: 1. Put away any shoes or coats that are lying around. 2. Go through your mail and throw away anything that’s junk. 3. Create a system for storing keys and other essentials. 4. Sweep or vacuum the floor and wipe down any surfaces. Closets Closets can quickly become a black hole of clutter. Here’s what you need to do: 1. Take everything out of your closet and get rid of anything that doesn’t fit or that you haven’t worn in over a year. 2. Create an organization system for your clothes, such as by color or type. 3. Put away any accessories that you don’t wear often. 4. Vacuum or sweep the floor and wipe down any surfaces. Storage Spaces If you have a basement or garage, it can be easy to let it become overrun with clutter. Here’s what you need to do: 1. Take everything out of your storage space and get rid of anything that’s broken or that you no longer need. 2. Create a system for organizing your items, such as by category. 3. Repurpose any items that you can, such as by turning old furniture into something new. 4. Sweep or vacuum the floor and wipe down any surfaces. Laundry Room The laundry room can quickly become cluttered with dirty clothes, cleaning supplies, and extra linens. Here’s what you need to do: 1. Put away any extra linens that you don’t need. 2. Go through your cleaning supplies and only keep what you’ll actually use. 3. Create a system for sorting dirty clothes and keep laundry supplies in one location. 4. Sweep or vacuum the floor and wipe down any surfaces. Kids’ Rooms If you have kids, their rooms can easily become cluttered with toys and clothes. Here’s what you need to do: 1. Go through your children’s toys and donate or sell anything that they no longer play with. 2. Create an organization system for their clothes, such as by size or season. 3. Put away any electronics that they don’t need or limit their use. 4. Vacuum or sweep the floor and wipe down any surfaces. Outdoors Finally, let’s not forget about the outdoors. Here’s what you need to do: 1. Put away any outdoor furniture that’s not being used. 2. Go through your gardening tools and keep only what you need. 3. Get rid of any damaged or broken outdoor items. 4. Sweep or hose down any patios or walkways. Now that you have our printable declutter checklist, you can tackle your home one area at a time. Remember, decluttering isn’t just about creating a more organized space - it’s about creating a more peaceful and stress-free environment. Happy organizing!