Free Printable Books Of The Bible Worksheets

The Bible is a sacred text that has been read and revered by millions of people over the centuries. It is a collection of books that traces the history and beliefs of the Christian faith. As such, it is essential to have a deep understanding of the Books of the Bible and how they relate to one another. Therefore, we have compiled a list of the Books of the Bible chart that you can use to navigate your way through the scriptures.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableThe first book of the Bible, Genesis, tells the story of creation, Adam and Eve, and the fall of man. It introduces major characters such as Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and provides historical and genealogical information about the origins of the people of Israel. Genesis is an essential book to understand as it sets the foundation for the rest of the Bible.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableThe book of Exodus continues the story of the Israelites as they are enslaved in Egypt and their deliverance by Moses. It describes the ten plagues that God inflicts on Egypt to convince Pharaoh to release Israel, the crossing of the Red Sea, and the giving of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. Exodus is essential to understand the origin of Jewish law and tradition.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableThe book of Leviticus is a series of laws and regulations that the Israelites must follow to be considered pure and righteous in the eyes of God. It is an essential book to understand the Jewish concept of holiness and the role of the priestly class in Israelite society. Leviticus describes the rituals and sacrifices required for religious observance and provides a framework for ethical behavior and morality.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableThe book of Numbers continues the story of the Israelites as they wander in the wilderness for forty years in search of the Promised Land. It contains a census of the Israelites, their journey to the borders of Canaan, and their battles with neighboring tribes. Numbers is an essential book to understand the challenges of leadership and faith in times of crisis and adversity.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableThe book of Deuteronomy is a series of speeches given by Moses to the Israelites before they enter the Promised Land. It repeats many of the laws and regulations found in the previous books of the Bible and provides a summary of Israelite history. Deuteronomy is an essential book to understand the concept of covenant and the relationship between God and the people of Israel.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableThe book of Joshua tells the story of the Israelites’ conquest of the Promised Land and their settlement of the territory. It describes the battles fought by Joshua and the Israelite armies against the Canaanites and the division of the land among the twelve tribes of Israel. Joshua is an essential book to understand the early history of Israel and its relationship with the surrounding nations.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableThe book of Judges describes the period in Israel’s history when the people were led by a series of judges, such as Samson, Deborah, and Gideon. It tells the story of the Israelites’ struggle against neighboring tribes and their gradual decline into idolatry and corruption. Judges is an essential book to understand the dangers of moral relativity and the importance of leadership in times of crisis.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableThe book of Ruth is a short and beautiful story of loyalty and devotion. It tells the story of Ruth, a Moabite woman who marries an Israelite, and her journey to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law, Naomi. Ruth is an essential book to understand the themes of love and redemption in the Bible.

1 Samuel

Books of Bible Chart PrintableThe book of 1 Samuel tells the story of the prophet Samuel, King Saul, and the rise of David. It describes the period when the Israelites transitioned from a system of judges to a monarchy and the challenges they faced in governing themselves. 1 Samuel is an essential book to understand the concept of leadership and the relationship between God and the king.

2 Samuel

Books of Bible Chart PrintableThe book of 2 Samuel continues the story of David and his reign as king of Israel. It describes his military conquests, his triumphs and failures as a leader, and his relationship with God. 2 Samuel is an essential book to understand the complexity of political power and the role of the prophet in Israelite society.

1 Kings

Books of Bible Chart PrintableThe book of 1 Kings continues the story of Israel’s monarchy with the reigns of King Solomon, Rehoboam, and Jeroboam. It describes the building of the Temple in Jerusalem, the rise of false prophets, and the eventual split between the northern and southern kingdoms. 1 Kings is an essential book to understand the challenges of nation-building and the dangers of political and religious corruption.

2 Kings

Books of Bible Chart PrintableThe book of 2 Kings continues the story of Israel’s monarchy with the reigns of the kings of Judah and Israel. It describes the collapse of the northern kingdom and the Babylonian exile of the southern kingdom. 2 Kings is an essential book to understand the consequences of political and religious infidelity.

1 Chronicles

Books of Bible Chart PrintableThe book of 1 Chronicles provides a genealogy of the kings of Israel and Judah, as well as a general history of the people of Israel from Adam to King David. It is an essential book to understand the importance of lineage and genealogy in Jewish culture.

2 Chronicles

Books of Bible Chart PrintableThe book of 2 Chronicles continues the history of Israel with the reigns of the kings of Judah. It contains extensive descriptions of the Temple in Jerusalem and the importance of proper worship and sacrifice. 2 Chronicles is an essential book to understand the importance of religious tradition and the role of the priesthood in Israelite society.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableThe book of Ezra describes the return of the exiles from Babylon and the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. It contains a list of those who returned and their genealogy. Ezra is an essential book to understand the importance of national identity and the role of faith in rebuilding a community.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableThe book of Nehemiah continues the story of the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the walls of the city. It describes the challenges faced by the people of Israel in resettling the land and the reforms instituted by Nehemiah to restore the faith and culture of Israel. Nehemiah is an essential book to understand the importance of leadership and the rebuilding of a community.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableThe book of Esther tells the story of a Jewish woman who becomes queen of Persia and saves her people from genocide. It is a story of courage and faith, of the triumph of good over evil. Esther is an essential book to understand the role of women in Jewish history and the importance of standing up for one’s beliefs.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableThe book of Job is a poetic and philosophical exploration of suffering and the nature of God. It tells the story of a righteous man who loses everything and must make sense of his pain and the silence of God. Job is an essential book to understand the complexities of faith and the challenges faced by those who seek to understand the ways of God.


Books of Bible Chart PrintablePsalms is the largest book in the Bible and contains numerous poems and songs of praise and lament. It is a book of worship and devotion that expresses the full range of human emotion and experience. Psalms is an essential book to understand the power of poetry and the importance of heartfelt expression in prayer and worship.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableProverbs is a collection of wise sayings and insights attributed to King Solomon. It provides practical advice for living a good and upright life and has been used as a source of guidance and inspiration for thousands of years. Proverbs is an essential book to understand the importance of wisdom and the role of a father in teaching his children.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableEcclesiastes is a pessimistic and philosophical exploration of the vanity of human existence. It challenges conventional wisdom and exposes the futility of seeking pleasure and wealth. Ecclesiastes is an essential book to understand the complexities of human nature and the dangers of excess and superficiality.

Song of Solomon

Books of Bible Chart PrintableSong of Solomon is a beautiful and sensual exploration of love and desire. It celebrates the physical and emotional aspects of romantic love and has been read as an allegory for the relationship between God and Israel. Song of Solomon is an essential book to understand the power of passion and the beauty of human love.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableIsaiah is a long and complex prophetic book that contains many of the most famous passages in the Bible. It predicts the coming of the Messiah, warns of impending judgment, and offers a vision of a restored Jerusalem. Isaiah is an essential book to understand the role of prophecy in Jewish history and the concept of the suffering servant.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableJeremiah is a prophetic book that challenges the people of Israel to repent of their sins and return to God. It details the imminent destruction of Jerusalem and the Babylonian exile. Jeremiah is an essential book to understand the consequences of moral failure and the importance of confession and repentance.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableLamentations is a series of poetic laments over the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of the people of Israel. It expresses the grief and despair of the people in the face of overwhelming loss and tragedy. Lamentations is an essential book to understand the power of lament and the importance of mourning and healing in times of crisis.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableEzekiel is a prophetic book that contains visions of the glory of God, the exaltation of Jerusalem, and the coming of a new Temple. It also includes warnings of judgment and calls for repentance. Ezekiel is an essential book to understand the role of the prophet in Israelite religion and the concept of apocalyptic literature.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableDaniel is a book of history and prophecy that tells the story of a Jewish exile in Babylon and his rise to power as an advisor to the king. It contains visions of the end of the world, the coming of the Messiah, and the resurrection of the dead. Daniel is an essential book to understand the concept of apocalypse and its role in Jewish and Christian eschatology.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableHosea is a prophetic book that uses the metaphor of an unfaithful wife to describe Israel’s spiritual infidelity. It challenges the people of Israel to return to God and promises restoration and blessing. Hosea is an essential book to understand the role of the prophet in calling people to repentance and the importance of faithfulness in relationships.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableJoel is a prophetic book that predicts a devastating locust plague and calls the people of Israel to repentance and prayer. It contains promises of blessing and a vision of the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. Joel is an essential book to understand the importance of prayer and faith in times of disaster.


Books of Bible Chart PrintableAmos is a prophetic book that denounces the injustice and corruption of Israel’s rulers and calls for social and economic reform. It contains warnings of judgment and visions of God’s justice and mercy. Amos is an essential book to understand the importance of social justice and the role of the prophet