Free Printable Books Of The Bible List Printable

The Holy Bible is the most widely read and revered book in the world. It is a collection of 66 books, written over a span of 1500 years, inspired by God and written by various authors. The Bible is divided into two main sections – the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament contains 39 books, while the New Testament has 27 books. Each book of the Bible has a unique message and perspective, and offers guidance and wisdom to people of all ages.


Books of the Bible ChartThe book of Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It tells the story of the creation of the world, Adam and Eve, Noah and the flood, Abraham and his descendants, and Joseph and his brothers. The book of Genesis is a rich source of wisdom and insight into human nature and the nature of God.


Books of the Bible ChartThe book of Exodus tells the story of the Israelites’ enslavement in Egypt, their liberation by Moses, and their journey to the promised land of Canaan. It is a story of faith, courage, and redemption. The book of Exodus also contains the Ten Commandments, which are the foundation of Jewish and Christian ethics.


Books of the Bible ChartThe book of Leviticus contains laws and regulations related to worship, sacrifice, and moral conduct. It provides a detailed account of the requirements for the priesthood, as well as instructions for the observation of holy days and festivals. The book of Leviticus emphasizes the importance of holiness and the need for a sacrificial system to make atonement for sin.


Books of the Bible ChartThe book of Numbers recounts the journey of the Israelites from Mount Sinai to the plains of Moab. It includes a census of the Israelites, an account of their rebellions against God, and the appointment of Joshua as Moses’ successor. The book of Numbers emphasizes the importance of obedience to God and the consequences of disobedience.


Books of the Bible ChartThe book of Deuteronomy contains three sermons delivered by Moses to the Israelites on the plains of Moab. It reviews the history of the Israelites, restates the laws and commandments given at Mount Sinai, and emphasizes the importance of following God’s instructions. The book of Deuteronomy ends with the death of Moses, and the appointment of Joshua as his successor.


Books of the Bible ChartThe book of Joshua recounts the conquest of Canaan by the Israelites, under the leadership of Joshua. It tells the story of the capture of Jericho, the alliance with the Gibeonites, and the defeat of the kings of Canaan. The book of Joshua emphasizes the importance of faith, courage, and obedience to God.


Books of the Bible ChartThe book of Judges tells the story of Israel’s cycle of sin, oppression, repentance, and deliverance. It features the stories of several judges, including Deborah, Gideon, and Samson, who were chosen by God to lead Israel during a time of crisis. The book of Judges emphasizes the importance of following God’s law and the consequences of turning away from Him.


Books of the Bible ChartThe book of Ruth tells the story of a Moabite woman who marries into an Israelite family. After her husband and his family die, Ruth chooses to remain with her mother-in-law, Naomi, and travel to Israel. There, she meets and marries Boaz, a wealthy landowner, and becomes an ancestor of King David. The book of Ruth emphasizes the importance of loyalty, faithfulness, and kindness.

1 Samuel

Books of the Bible ChartThe book of 1 Samuel tells the story of the prophet Samuel, Israel’s last judge, and the rise of King Saul, Israel’s first king. It features the famous story of David and Goliath, and David’s friendship with Saul’s son, Jonathan. The book of 1 Samuel emphasizes the importance of faith, obedience, and leadership.

2 Samuel

Books of the Bible ChartThe book of 2 Samuel continues the story of King David, including his military conquests, his affair with Bathsheba, and the rebellion of his son Absalom. It also features David’s famous psalm of lament, Psalm 51. The book of 2 Samuel emphasizes the importance of repentance, humility, and trust in God.

1 Kings

Books of the Bible ChartThe book of 1 Kings tells the story of King Solomon, David’s son, and the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem. It also features the stories of the prophets Elijah and Elisha, and their confrontation with the prophets of the god Baal. The book of 1 Kings emphasizes the importance of wisdom, faithfulness, and the worship of the true God.

2 Kings

Books of the Bible ChartThe book of 2 Kings continues the story of the Israelite kings, including the reign of Jehu, the fall of Israel to the Assyrians, and the exile of Judah to Babylon. It also features the prophet Isaiah and his prophecies of the coming Messiah. The book of 2 Kings emphasizes the importance of repentance, trust in God, and obedience to His commands.

1 Chronicles

Books of the Bible ChartThe book of 1 Chronicles is a genealogy of Israel from Adam to King David. It also contains accounts of David’s reign, including the organization of the priesthood and the preparation for the building of the Temple. The book of 1 Chronicles emphasizes the importance of worship, obedience to God’s law, and leadership.

2 Chronicles

Books of the Bible ChartThe book of 2 Chronicles continues the account of Israel’s kings, including the reign of King Solomon and the construction of the Temple. It also features the story of King Hezekiah, who turned back an invasion of the Assyrian army by trusting in God. The book of 2 Chronicles emphasizes the importance of trust in God, obedience to His law, and the worship of the true God.


Books of the Bible ChartThe book of Ezra tells the story of the return of the exiles from Babylon and the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. It features the prophecy of the prophet Haggai and the dedication of the Temple by the Israelites. The book of Ezra emphasizes the importance of faithfulness to God’s law, the worship of God, and the rebuilding of the nation.


Books of the Bible ChartThe book of Nehemiah continues the story of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem under the leadership of Nehemiah. It features the work of the priest Ezra and his teaching of the law to the people. The book of Nehemiah emphasizes the importance of leadership, faithfulness to God’s law, and the rebuilding of the nation.


Books of the Bible ChartThe book of Esther tells the story of a Jewish girl who becomes queen of Persia and saves her people from destruction by the wicked Haman. It is a story of courage, faith, and the providence of God. The book of Esther emphasizes the importance of trust in God, the courage to do what is right, and the protection of God’s people.


Books of the Bible ChartThe book of Job tells the story of a righteous man who suffers great loss and affliction but refuses to turn away from God. It is a story of faith, perseverance, and the mystery of suffering. The book of Job emphasizes the importance of trust in God, perseverance in times of trial, and the ultimate justice of God.


Books of the Bible ChartThe book of Psalms is a collection of 150 poems and hymns, attributed to various authors including David, Asaph, and the sons of Korah. It is a rich source of inspiration, comfort, and guidance for people of all ages. The book of Psalms emphasizes the importance of praise, worship, prayer, and trust in God.


Books of the Bible ChartThe book of Proverbs contains wise sayings and teachings on a variety of topics, including wisdom, justice, discipline, and relationships. It offers practical advice for daily living and emphasizes the importance of seeking knowledge, understanding, and wisdom from the Lord. The book of Proverbs emphasizes the importance of moral and ethical behavior, and the benefits of living a righteous life.


Books of the Bible ChartEcclesiastes is a book of wisdom literature, attributed to King Solomon. It explores the meaning of life, the pursuit of pleasure, and the limits of human wisdom. The book of Ecclesiastes emphasizes the importance of humility, contentment, and the fear of the Lord.

Song of Solomon (Song of Songs)

Books of the Bible ChartThe Song of Solomon is a love poem, attributed to King Solomon. It celebrates the beauty of human love, and is a metaphor for the relationship between God and His people. The Song of Solomon emphasizes the importance of love, commitment, and the joy of intimacy.


Books of the Bible ChartThe book of Isaiah is a prophetic book, attributed to the prophet Isaiah. It contains messages of judgment, hope, and restoration for Israel and the surrounding nations. It also contains prophecies of the coming Messiah, who will save His people from sin and death. The book of Isaiah emphasizes the importance of Holiness, Repentance, and Salvation.


Books of the Bible ChartThe book of Jeremiah is a prophetic book, attributed to the prophet Jeremiah. It contains messages of judgment, hope, and restoration for Israel and the surrounding nations. It also contains prophecies of the new covenant that God will make with His people. The book of Jeremiah emphasizes the importance of obedience, repentance, and the worship of the true God.


Books of the Bible ChartLamentations is a collection of five poems of mourning, attributed to the prophet Jeremiah. It expresses the grief and sorrow of the Israelites over the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile to Babylon. It is a powerful expression of the human experience of loss and suffering. The book of Lamentations emphasizes the importance of lamenting, hope in God, and the importance of acknowledging the reality of pain and suffering.


Books of the Bible ChartEzekiel is a prophetic book, attributed to the prophet Ezekiel. It contains messages of judgment, hope, and restoration for Israel and the surrounding nations. It also contains prophecies of the coming glory of God in a new temple. The book of Ezekiel emphasizes the importance of holiness, obedience, and the worship of the true God.


Books of the Bible ChartDaniel is a book of apocalyptic literature, attributed to the prophet Daniel. It contains visions and prophecies of the future, including the coming of the Son of man and the end of the age. It also features the story of Daniel in the lion’s den and his companions in the fiery furnace. The book of Daniel emphasizes the importance of faith, wisdom, and the sovereignty of God.


Books of the Bible ChartHosea is a prophetic book, attributed to the prophet Hosea. It contains messages of judgment, hope, and restoration for Israel and the surrounding nations. It also features the story of Hosea, who married an unfaithful wife as a symbol of God’s love for His rebellious people. The book of Hosea emphasizes the importance of repentance, forgiveness, and the love of God.


Books of the Bible ChartJoel is a prophetic book, attributed to the prophet Joel. It contains messages of judgment, hope, and restoration for Israel and the surrounding nations. It also features prophecies of the coming of the day of the Lord and the pouring out of His Spirit on all people. The book of Joel emphasizes the importance of repentance, obedience, and the worship of the true God.


Books of the Bible ChartAmos is a prophetic book, attributed to the prophet Amos. It contains messages of judgment, hope, and restoration for Israel and the surrounding nations. It emphasizes the importance of justice, righteousness, and the worship of the true God. The book of Amos warns of the consequences of neglecting the poor and the oppressed.


Books of the Bible ChartObadiah is a prophetic book, attributed to the prophet Obadiah. It contains a message of judgment against the nation of Edom, who had mistreated the Israelites during their exile. The book of Obadiah emphasizes the importance of justice, righteousness, and the sovereignty of God.


Books of the Bible ChartJonah is a story of a prophet who ran away