Free Printable Books Of The Bible

Hey, everyone! I just stumbled upon this hilarious poster and had to share it with you all. It’s all about the books of the Bible, but it’s not your typical boring list. This poster is sure to make even the most serious Bible study group burst out laughing!

Check It Out:

Books of The Bible Printable PosterJust look at this masterpiece. I mean, who knew the books of the Bible could be so funny? This is definitely going to be the new centerpiece of my living room.

A Closer Look:

Books of The Bible Printable PosterLet’s break it down, shall we? First off, we have the book of Genesis, which is bae. It’s the OG book of the Bible, and you can’t help but love it. Then, we have the book of Exodus, which is basically the book of plagues and locusts and all things creepy crawlies.

Next up, we have Leviticus, which is basically just a bunch of rules about what you can and can’t eat. I mean, who really wants to read about that? Then, we have Numbers, which is all about counting things. I’m not even going to pretend to understand what’s going on in that book.

Deuteronomy is up next, and it’s basically just a really long speech by Moses. Riveting stuff, I know. Then we have the book of Joshua, which is all about fighting and conquering and stuff. Not exactly my cup of tea.

Judges is next, and it’s basically a bunch of stories about people doing really dumb things. It’s like the Bible’s version of a reality TV show. Ruth is up next, and it’s actually a pretty sweet love story. Definitely one of my faves.

The books of Samuel are up next, which are all about David and his rise to power. There’s a lot of war and betrayal and drama, so naturally, it’s one of my favorites. Then we have the books of Kings, which are all about, you guessed it, kings. It’s basically like a history lesson, but with a lot more smiting.

Chronicles is next, and it’s basically just a retelling of the books of Samuel and Kings. So if you already read those, you can probably skip this one. Then we have Ezra, which is all about rebuilding the temple. Not the most thrilling read, but hey, at least it’s short.

Nehemiah is up next, and it’s all about rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. More building stuff, but with a little more drama this time around. Then we have the book of Esther, which is another one of my faves. It’s all about a Jewish queen who saves her people from mass genocide. You go, girl.

Job is up next, and it’s basically just a really long conversation between Job and a bunch of his friends. It’s a lot of talking, but not a whole lot of action. Then we have the book of Psalms, which is basically a collection of songs and poetry. It’s a nice change of pace from all the war and smiting, that’s for sure.

Proverbs is next, and it’s all about, well, proverbs. You know, little nuggets of wisdom and life advice. Then we have the book of Ecclesiastes, which is basically a really long rant about how life is meaningless. Fun times.

The Song of Solomon is up next, and it’s a love poem. A very steamy love poem. Definitely not recommended for children. Then we have Isaiah, which is all about prophecies and warnings and judgment. It’s pretty heavy stuff.

Jeremiah is next, and it’s all about, you guessed it, Jeremiah. He’s a prophet who is constantly warning the people to turn back to God, but of course, no one listens. Then we have Lamentations, which is basically just a really sad poem about the destruction of Jerusalem.

Ezekiel is up next, and it’s all about, well, Ezekiel. He’s another prophet who has some pretty crazy visions. Then we have Daniel, which is all about, you guessed it, Daniel. He’s a Jewish exile who rises to power in Babylon and has some pretty crazy dreams of his own.

Hosea is next, and it’s basically a metaphor for God’s relationship with Israel. It’s one of the more poetic books of the Bible, and definitely worth a read. Then we have Joel, which is all about apocalyptic visions of the end of the world. You know, fun stuff.

Amos is next, and it’s all about justice and the consequences of living unjustly. It’s pretty heavy stuff, but definitely important. Then we have Obadiah, which is the shortest book of the Bible. It’s all about Edom, which was a neighboring country that was really mean to Israel.

Jonah is up next, and it’s all about a guy who gets swallowed by a whale. You read that right. He eventually makes it back to shore and preaches to the people of Nineveh. Then we have Micah, which is all about social justice and the importance of treating everyone fairly.

Nahum is next, and it’s all about the downfall of Nineveh. I guess they didn’t listen to Jonah. Then we have Habakkuk, which is basically a conversation between Habakkuk and God. It’s a lot of questioning and seeking answers, but not a whole lot of resolution.

Zephaniah is next, and it’s all about, you guessed it, Zephaniah. He’s a prophet who talks a lot about judgment and warning. Then we have Haggai, which is all about rebuilding the temple. Again.

Zechariah is up next, and it’s another book of prophecies. It’s pretty hard to follow, but there are definitely some interesting moments. Then we have Malachi, which is the last book of the Old Testament. It’s all about the coming Messiah, and sets the stage for the birth of Jesus.

Final Thoughts:

Books of The Bible Printable PosterSo there you have it, folks. The books of the Bible, as you’ve never seen them before. If you’re looking for a good laugh and a clever way to learn the books of the Bible, then this poster is definitely for you. Grab a copy and let the laughs begin!