Division Charts Printable

If you’re like most people, you probably remember sitting in math class and struggling to memorize multiplication and division tables. But did you know that there are techniques you can use to make memorizing these tables a lot easier? In fact, with the right approach, you can become a division times table master in no time!

This Simple Trick Will Make Memorizing Division Tables a Breeze

Division Times TableIf you’re struggling with memorizing your division tables, you’re not alone. Many people find math to be a difficult subject, and memorization can be a daunting task. But there’s a simple trick that can help you memorize your division tables with ease. The trick is to use a mnemonic device.

A mnemonic device is a memory aid that helps you to remember something. It’s a technique that you can use to associate a difficult-to-remember concept with something that’s easier to recall. The best part is that you can create your own mnemonics to suit your personal learning style.

How to Create a Mnemonic for Memorizing Division Tables

To create a mnemonic for memorizing your division tables, you need to choose a word or phrase that represents each number that you need to remember. For example, let’s say you want to memorize the division table for 6. You could use the word “trick” to represent the number 6.

Next, you need to come up with a phrase that uses the word or phrase you chose for each number in the division table. For example, here’s a phrase you could use for the 6’s division table: “A trick for six is to simply double three.”

Once you have your phrase, you can use it to remember the division table for 6. For example, if you need to divide 24 by 6, you can simply say the phrase “A trick for six is to simply double three” and remember that 4 multiplied by 6 is 24, because 4 is double 3.

Using Mnemonics Can Be Fun and Effective

Mnemonics are a fun and effective way to help you memorize difficult concepts like division tables. They allow you to create a mental picture or story that can help you remember important information. Best of all, you can customize your mnemonics to suit your personality and learning style.

So if you’re struggling with memorizing your division tables, don’t give up hope. Try using a mnemonic device and see how much easier it is to remember those pesky numbers!