Christian Word Search Printable

Hey y’all, I found a great activity for the kiddos that will teach them about the amazing miracle that Jesus did! It’s a Word Search all about when Jesus fed the people - it’s a great way to get them thinking about the stories in the Bible!

Let’s Learn About the Miracle of Jesus Feeding the 5,000!

Jesus Feeding the 5,000 Word Search ImageOnce upon a time, Jesus and His disciples were going around, spreading the word of God and helping people. One day, they came across a huge crowd of people who were very hungry. Jesus could see that the people had been following them all day and He knew that they were getting tired and hungry.

Jesus said to His disciples, “We need to feed these people. But where can we buy enough food to feed everyone?” His disciples were confused and replied, “We don’t have enough money to buy food for everyone here!”

But Jesus wasn’t deterred. He knew that with God’s help, anything was possible. So, He told His disciples to gather up all the food that they could find. They searched through the vast crowd of people and found only five loaves of bread and two fish. It didn’t seem like enough to feed the thousands of people who had gathered to hear Jesus speak.

Jesus then told the people to sit down and get ready to eat. He gave thanks for the food and then everyone began to eat. But something amazing happened - the food multiplied! The five loaves and two fish turned into enough food to feed the thousands of people who had gathered to hear Jesus speak that day.

What Can We Learn From This Miracle?

Jesus Feeding the 5,000 ImageThis miracle teaches us a lot about what Jesus can do! Firstly, it shows us that Jesus is powerful and capable of doing anything He wishes. It also teaches us that God takes care of all of our needs, even when things seem impossible. The miracle of Jesus feeding the 5,000 reminds us that with faith, anything is possible!

This is a miraculous story that holds a very important message for all of us - we should always trust God to provide for us, and to have faith in all situations.

I hope this activity and story about Jesus feeding the people has been fun and informative for your little ones. God bless!