Beach Vacation Packing List Printable

When it comes to packing for a beach vacation, you’ve got to have everything you need to enjoy your time in the sun. From sunscreen to beach towels, you don’t want to leave anything out of your beach packing checklist.

Don’t forget the sunscreen

SunscreenYou don’t want to get sunburned, so make sure to buy a high SPF sunscreen and apply it every two hours.

Bring your beach towel

Beach towelYou’ll need a towel to dry off after swimming or just to lay out on the sand. Make sure to bring a large enough towel for everyone in your group.

Flip flops are a must

Flip flopsYou don’t want to get sand stuck in your shoes, so flip flops are the perfect option. They’re also easy to slip on and off when you’re heading to and from the beach.

A beach bag for all your supplies

Beach bagYou’ll need a large bag to carry all your supplies. Look for a bag that’s waterproof, so you don’t have to worry about your things getting wet.

Stay hydrated with a water bottle

Water bottleIt’s important to stay hydrated when you’re spending time in the sun. Bring a reusable water bottle and fill it up throughout the day.

Protect your eyes with sunglasses

SunglassesNot only do sunglasses protect your eyes from the sun, but they also add a stylish touch to your beach outfit.

Bring a hat for extra sun protection

HatA hat is a great way to protect your face from the sun. Look for a hat with a wide brim for the best coverage.

Stay entertained with a book or magazine

Book or magazineWhen you’re taking a break from swimming and sunbathing, it’s nice to have something to keep you entertained. Bring along a book or magazine for some beach reading.

A compact umbrella for shade

Beach umbrellaWhen you need a break from the sun, a compact umbrella is perfect for providing some shade. Look for an umbrella that’s easy to assemble and disassemble.

Don’t forget your swimsuit

SwimsuitYour beach vacation won’t be complete without a swimsuit! Look for a swimsuit that’s comfortable and fits well.

With these essentials on your beach packing checklist, you’ll be ready for a fun and relaxing vacation! Don’t forget to bring along plenty of snacks and drinks, too.