Alphabet Printable Chart

Welcome to our website, where we bring you the best resources to help your little ones with their ABC’s. Today, we have a special treat for you – a printable alphabet chart with pictures! This chart is not only colorful and fun, but it also features corresponding images for each letter of the alphabet, making it easier for your kids to remember the sounds and shapes.

Letter A

Let’s start with the first letter of the alphabet – A! This letter is accompanied by an adorable image of an apple. Encourage your child to repeat the sound “ah” as they point to the letter A and the apple. You can also ask them to try tracing the letter A with their finger.

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter ALetter B

The letter B is represented by a busy little bee. Encourage your child to buzz like a bee as they practice saying the sound “buh”. Make it fun by flapping your arms like wings and pretending to fly around the room!

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter BLetter C

C is for cat! This cute feline will help your child learn the sound “kuh”. Ask your child to meow like a cat as they practice saying the letter C. You can even make it into a game by pretending to be cats together!

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter CLetter D

The letter D is represented by a delightful duck. Encourage your child to quack like a duck as they practice saying the sound “duh”. You can also introduce new vocabulary words like feathers, bill, and webbed feet.

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter DLetter E

E is for elephant! This majestic creature will help your child learn the sound “eh”. Encourage your child to trumpet like an elephant as they point to the letter E. You can even add some movement by pretending to stomp like elephants together!

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter ELetter F

The letter F is represented by a friendly fish. Encourage your child to swim like a fish as they practice saying the sound “fuh”. You can even introduce new vocabulary words like fins, gills, and scales.

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter FLetter G

G is for giraffe! This tall and graceful animal will help your child learn the sound “guh”. Encourage your child to make a giraffe neck with their own neck as they point to the letter G and the giraffe. You can also introduce new vocabulary words like spots, mane, and hooves.

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter GLetter H

The letter H is represented by a happy horse. Encourage your child to gallop like a horse as they practice saying the sound “huh”. You can also introduce new vocabulary words like mane, tail, and saddle.

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter HLetter I

I is for igloo! This unique and fascinating structure will help your child learn the sound “ih”. Encourage your child to point to the letter I and the igloo, and ask them if they know where igloos are typically found.

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter ILetter J

J is for jellyfish! This fascinating creature will help your child learn the sound “juh”. Encourage your child to wiggle their fingers like jellyfish tentacles as they point to the letter J and the jellyfish. You can also introduce new vocabulary words like tentacles, stingers, and translucent.

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter JLetter K

K is for kangaroo! This hopping animal will help your child learn the sound “kuh”. Encourage your child to hop like a kangaroo as they point to the letter K and the kangaroo. You can also introduce new vocabulary words like pouch, joey, and marsupial.

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter KLetter L

L is for lion! This fierce and majestic animal will help your child learn the sound “luh”. Encourage your child to roar like a lion as they point to the letter L and the lion. You can also introduce new vocabulary words like mane, roar, and pride.

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter LLetter M

M is for monkey! This playful and curious primate will help your child learn the sound “muh”. Encourage your child to make monkey sounds as they point to the letter M and the monkey. You can also introduce new vocabulary words like tail, swing, and bananas!

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter MLetter N

N is for nest! This cozy and safe home for baby birds will help your child learn the sound “nuh”. Encourage your child to point to the letter N and the nest, and ask them if they know what birds typically make nests.

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter NLetter O

O is for octopus! This fascinating and intelligent creature will help your child learn the sound “uh”. Encourage your child to wiggle their fingers like octopus tentacles as they point to the letter O and the octopus. You can also introduce new vocabulary words like ink, suction cups, and camouflage.

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter OLetter P

P is for pig! This chubby and adorable farm animal will help your child learn the sound “puh”. Encourage your child to oink like a pig as they point to the letter P and the pig. You can also introduce new vocabulary words like snout, mud, and curly tail.

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter PLetter Q

Q is for quilt! This cozy and warm blanket will help your child learn the sound “kwuh”. Encourage your child to point to the letter Q and the quilt, and ask them if they have ever seen one before. You can even use this opportunity to learn about different types of fabrics!

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter QLetter R

R is for rabbit! This cute and fluffy animal will help your child learn the sound “ruh”. Encourage your child to hop like a rabbit as they point to the letter R and the rabbit. You can also introduce new vocabulary words like burrows, nibbling, and carrots.

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter RLetter S

S is for sun! This bright and warm celestial body will help your child learn the sound “suh”. Encourage your child to point to the letter S and the sun, and ask them what they know about the sun. You can also use this opportunity to talk about different weather patterns!

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter SLetter T

T is for turtle! This slow but steady reptile will help your child learn the sound “tuh”. Encourage your child to crawl like a turtle as they point to the letter T and the turtle. You can also introduce new vocabulary words like shell, flippers, and basking in the sun.

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter TLetter U

U is for umbrella! This handy device will help your child learn the sound “uh”. Encourage your child to point to the letter U and the umbrella, and ask them what umbrellas are used for. You can also use this opportunity to talk about different types of weather!

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter ULetter V

V is for vegetables! This healthy food group will help your child learn the sound “vuh”. Encourage your child to point to the letter V and the vegetables, and ask them what their favorite vegetables are. You can also use this opportunity to talk about the importance of eating a balanced diet.

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter VLetter W

W is for whale! This majestic and intelligent aquatic mammal will help your child learn the sound “wuh”. Encourage your child to make whale noises as they point to the letter W and the whale. You can also introduce new vocabulary words like blowhole, flukes, and migration.

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter WLetter X

X is for x-ray! This medical tool will help your child learn the sound “ks”. Encourage your child to point to the letter X and the x-ray, and ask them if they have ever had an x-ray taken. You can also use this opportunity to talk about taking care of our bodies and staying healthy.

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter XLetter Y

Y is for yellow! This bright and cheerful color will help your child learn the sound “yuh”. Encourage your child to point to the letter Y and the color yellow, and ask them if they know any other things that are yellow. You can also use this opportunity to teach them about different colors!

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter YLetter Z

Z is for zebra! This beautiful and unique animal will help your child learn the sound “zuh”. Encourage your child to make zebra noises as they point to the letter Z and the zebra. You can also introduce new vocabulary words like stripes, mane, and grazing on grass.

Alphabet Sounds Chart Printable - Letter ZWe hope you and your child enjoyed this printable alphabet chart with pictures! It’s a great way to make learning the ABC’s fun and engaging. Check back soon for more resources to help your child succeed!